Homework 13

What is it? Album Cover; Revolver by The Beatles

It's Function to advertise and draw attention to the album and have people listen to it.

Where you saw it? I own this on vinyl and have a poster of it.

The Quality of the Artwork is great and very good condition

The Style of the Design and Typography is possibly art nouveau and early modern or deconstructionism with the montage and cut and paste figures along with the art nouveau style drawings of the four faces.

What attracted you to this piece? One of my favorite pieces and one of my favorite album covers, this piece just has so much going on without it jumping out and screaming at you. The black and white make it seem more simple and clean but there is so much going on and it doesn't make sense which I like. I find that this cover greatly represents the product/music with a strange ornament of images and drawing and unique style.


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