Homework 2

What it is? The artwork is a billboard of the word "damn." in all caps in red.

Its Function is to advertise a rap artist's (Kendrick Lamar) new album titled DAMN.

Where You Saw It? I saw this in Chicago, IL.

The Quality of the Artwork greatly uses the idea of "less is more" by having nothing but a single word to take up the whole billboard. The use of red font and white background makes it stand out making it easy to catch the viewers eye.

The Style of the Design and  Typography is well done because it delivers the message by saying one word. The simple font somehow makes it even more unique because it tries not to distract the viewer with anything fancy giving only the message and the message alone. The design style is contemporary using simplicity to deliver its message.

What Attracted You to The Piece? What attracted me to this piece is how bold the advertisement was, both literally and metaphorically. The ad offers nothing about how to listen to the album, where to find it, or what it is like; it doesn't even say what it is advertising but somehow it delivers its message which is so incredible because it truly shows how less is more.


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